Ensure reliable performance and safety for mobile column lifts with the best accessories we have chosen for heavy vehicles.
Showing all 25 results
For capacity 3000 / 4000 / 5500 (excluded N version) / 7000 / 8500 / 10000 kg
For 305 series | fitted in factory instead of standard pads
10000 kg, 1235 – 2040 mm | Grey (RAL 7040)
10000 kg, 1235 – 2040 mm | with on springs retracting rollers
7500 kg, 1330 – 2030 mm | Grey (RAL 7040)
100 mm (3000/4000/5500 kg) / 150 mm (7000/8500/10000 kg)
15 t
of the adjustable front pad kit S290A1 on the lift
1 piece
1 piece
To lift agricultural tractor | front and rear adapter
Cables between columns “m” meters longer than standard
Replaces the standard jack
Extensions for adjustable fork (1 per column) | 1 set
Crossbar for standard lifts with adjustable fork